New generation
equity & shareholders management tool
Equify smartly centralises all the legal and financial information of your shareholders. Take back control with Equify

They trust us
It's time to stop using Excel for your Cap Table
- Automatic update thanks to the synchronisation with the ledger
- Management of all securities (ordinary shares, preferred shares, warrants, convertible bonds, free shares).
- Complete history of the capitalisation table, from incorporation to today
- Configurable exports and sharing with your investors
Simplify the management of your employee shareholding
- Customisation of electronic documents and signatures, synchronised with your library
- Real-time monitoring of acquisition calendars and synchronisation with the capitalisation table (assignments, expirations, departures, etc.)
- Automatic monitoring of pools (quantities of securities allocated, acquired, exercised, etc.)
- Online portfolios for your employees for a better understanding of their options

Communicate effectively with your shareholders
- Personalization of your governance documents (notices, minutes, credentials) and electronic signatures, synchronised with your library
- Online portfolios for your investors allowing you to share the information you deem useful, in a few clicks
Stop wasting time looking for your legal documents
- All your legal documentation centralised and organized
- Standardised classification and indexing with all of your transactions history, allowing you to instantly find any document

What our clients say about us
Security & data protection
We apply the highest European security standards to protect your data.
GDPR compliance
Our privacy and personal data processing policy complies with the General Data Protection Regulation.
Data hosted in France
Your data is constantly replicated in separate data centres, all located in France, guaranteeing data integrity and availability in all situations.
All your data, including backups, are encrypted during both transmission and storage (AES-256 algorithm).